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August, 14th

08h30: Opening Ceremony

09h00-10h00: Alain Dufresne - Pagora – Grenoble-INP - "Cellulose nanomaterials and polymer nanocomposites"

10h00-10h30: Coffee Break

10h30 - 11h00: Douglas Henrique Milanez - NIT/DEMa/UFSCar - "Monitoring nanocellulose advances using technological indicators"

11h00 - 11h30: Alcides Leão - UNESP-Botucatu - "Nanocellulose from fibrous plants residues"

11h30-12h00: Flash communications  about poster presentations 

12h00-14h00: Lunch

14h00 - 14h30: Wilson Pires Flauzino Neto - UFU/UGA/UFTM - "Comprehensive study of cellulose I and II nanocrystals prepared by sulfuric acid hydrolysis focusing basically on morphological and molecular structure"

14h30 - 15h00: Alessandra de Almeida Lucas- DEMa/UFSCar - "New strategies for the preparation of  polyolefin/cellulose  composites and nanocomposites"

15h00 - 15h30: Marcos Mariano - CNPEM - "Nanocellulose aerogels: Influence of cationic surfactants on morphology and mechanical properties"

15h30 - 16h00: Sidney Ribeiro - IQ- UNESP Araraquara - "Photonic applications of biocellulose"

16h00-17h00: Coffee Break with poster presentation

17h00- 17h30:  Maria do Carmo Gonçalves - IQ- Unicamp - "Hybrid Gels of Cellulose Nanocrystals and Polysilsesquioxane"

17h30- 18h00: Camila Rezende - UNICAMP - “Cellulose whisker production and use of the process by-products”

19h30: Sci-Happy Hour, Aparecido Junior de Menezes - UFSCar - "Cellulose nanocrystals from different phenological stages from corn plant (Zea mays L.)" at  Petra Granja Olga. 

August, 15th

08h30-9h00: Vagner Botaro - UFSCar - "Nanocomposite of cellulose acetate reinforced with chemically nanocrystals modified: Modification with bifunctional reagent"

09h00 - 9h30: Derval dos Santos Rosa - UFABC - "Cellulose nanostructure obtained from residues: different  methodologies and life cycle assessment"

9h30 -10h00: Juliana da Silva Bernardes - Laboratório Nacional de Nanotecnologia - CNPEM - "Cellulose nanofibers extracted from sugarcane bagasse as a platform for nanostructured materials"

10h00-10h30: Cofee Break

10h30-11h00: Luiz Henrique C. Mattoso - CNPDia/Embrapa - "New Approaches to Produce Bionanocomposites" 

11h00-11h30: Lisias Pereira Novo  - IQSC-USP - "Greener path for CNC production: Cellulose subcritical water hydrolysis"

11h30-12h00: Hernane Barud - UNIARA - "Nanocelluloses-based materials for Biomedical Applications“

12h00-14h00: Lunch

​14h00 - 14h30: Antonio José Félix de Carvalho - EESC/USP - "High strength fibers from cellulose nanofibers produced by interfacial complexation"

​14h30-15h00: Watson Loh - Unicamp - "Controlling association in nanocellulose dispersions"

​15h00-15h30:  Julio Costa - ABTCP - "Institucional Activities on Nanocellulose Materials Worldwide"

​16h30-17h30: Coffee Break with poster presentations

​17h30-18H00: Closing Ceremony

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